A picture of 20 CEOs from the construction industry who have united and meet biannually at the IIF CEO Forum

Despite their individual efforts to build Incident and Injury-Free safety cultures within their construction organizations, the executives were concerned about persistent safety incidents across U.S. construction industry. They formed the Forum to drive a collective shift in the construction industry’s safety culture.

Today, the Forum numbers 20 CEOs from across the construction industry who gather biannually at events facilitated by JMJ to exchange lessons, best practices, and resources.

In 2014, over 40 national and global construction firms from the IIF CEO Forum and Construction Industry Safety Initiative joined forces to found Construction Safety Week. Their goal was to inspire everyone in the industry to be leaders in safety.

In 2016, Safety Week was more formally branded and began evolving into the annual, fully integrated campaign it is today, supported by a growing number of members and sponsors. While the event lasts just one week, it’s impact is felt year-round, shaping safer practices across the construction industry.

Celebrating the efforts of workers and organizations who are committed to making every job-site injury free

Increasing awareness among craft professionals, project leaders and business leaders about the importance of safety as a daily commitment

Encouraging everyone to share best practices and strengthen the construction industry’s safety culture

Providing resources and support to ensure every worker is fully prepared – both mentally and physically – for the work ahead

Conducting year-round safety awareness activities onsite to support ongoing education